
INTRODUCTION  This is a summary and review of Phillipa Langley’s recent scholarly book, The Princes in the Tower: Solving History’s Greatest Cold Case (The History Press, 488p, 2023. ISBN 978 1 80399 542 7). Langley is an enthusiastic amateur historian and prominent member of the Richard III […]

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The Man the Horse and the Wolf

e Wolf was the deadly enemy of Man and Horse. The Man could easily kill the Wolf with his spear, but he could never run fast enough to catch it. The Horse could easily outrun the Wolf but had no weapons. So Man and Horse made a […]

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Drill Core Orientation Tools

Drill Core Orientation Tools An oriented drill hole is one where the inclination and azimuth of all sectors of the hole axis are known, usually by means of a special down-hole survey. This data provides the inclination and azimuth of the longitudinal axis (the Core Axis, CA) of the cylindrical […]

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Stereonet validation of structural measurement in oriented drill core

Summary Measuring the attitude of structures in drill core requires fully oriented core. But the tools for orienting core that are currently available to drillers often fail, especially with small core diameters (NQ or less) and where the rock has fissile surfaces within it. As these failures […]

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Boring Rocks

I have just come across a new word – saxicavous, so I look it up in that well-known source of Truth and concise definition – Wik Dictionary.  To discover a bald definition: “boring rocks“. Wonderful! This is a word I have been looking for all my professional […]

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An Incident in Bougainville

Beneath the canopy it is dark and gloomy on the forest floor, the air heavy ahead of late-afternoon rain. I am alone in a remote spot on a remote island in a remote corner of the Pacific. Three men appear from the trees behind me. They are […]

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The Discovery Outcrop

To stumble upon in the field and recognise it for what it is – outcropping mineralisation with the grade and size potential to become an orebody. A long-anticipated moment of fierce joy and satisfaction for the lone prospector or exploration geologist. I does not happen very often […]

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Marjex Core Frame Instructions pdf

Please click on link below. Core Frame Instruction Booklet  

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The purpose of science is to seek truth, not proclaim it

Scientific knowledge is a body of statements of varying degrees of uncertainty – some most unsure, some nearly sure, none absolutely certain.” – Richard Feynman, Theoretical Physicist and Nobel Laureate.  “The unknown is the dark matter of all things, the greater part of the universe.” Geoffrey Weiss, 2021 […]

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Who discovered Australia?

As a 10-year-old in 1953, I migrated with my family to South Australia, and settled in to one of the fast-growing outer suburbs of Adelaide that were being rapidly built at that time to accommodate the post-war influx of migrants. I enrolled for the new term at […]

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