Book Reviews



Geological Methods in Mineral Exploration and Mining. 2nd Edition, 238 pages, Springer 2010. ISBN 978-3-7435-0. Available as hardback from or from any internet bookseller. Also available as digital copy.

Geological methods mandarin edition
Mandarin Edition, 2016. Translator Wan Fang Published 2016 by Publishing House of the Electronics Industry, Beijing ISBN 978-7-121-28894-4
Some Reviews of Geological Methods:

In my opinion the book is unique, well done and should be a handbook for mining geologists. It so reflects my personal opinions about mineral exploration that I am probably too prejudicial to be a “fair” reviewer. This book should be a reference in all geological libraries, for students in economic geology and for all economic geologists” ~ Paul Eimonn, Commonwealth International Inc, Texas. Pre-publication reviewer for Chapman 7 Hall, 1996.

With this book, Roger Marjoribanks has presented the extractive minerals industry a rare gift: a truly practical and approachable handbook that addresses the daily concerns of the exploration geologist…The open style of writing and Marjoribanks effective hand-drawn illustrations make the book both approachable and readable….Perhaps of greatest value are the numerous practical tips for efficiently performing routine geological observations and measurements, which are based on the author’s extensive experience as a consulting geologist……Four Appendices are provided, and these include some of the most useful information in the book (no, you can’t stop reading at page 88 – the Appendices area goldmine!)…..I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone embarking on a career in this field!” ~ Jeremy Richards, Economic Geology, vol 92 (1997), p 636.

First the recommendation: buy it. For any geologist who is involved in exploration, this book will save you time and money. All exploration managers should buy a copy for each of the exploration geologists on their staff, and sit them down to read it. Into his 128 pages, Marjoribanks packs a great amount of important practical knowledge….Marjoribanks states that the book was written to be a “practical field manual to be used by geologists engaged in mineral exploration” and “a text and reference for students in applied geology courses of universities and colleges”. He has succeeded in both aims…..Chapter 2, Geological Mapping in exploration, contains some of the most important information in the book….Chapter 4, Mineral Exploration Drilling, is a winner. Finally, the reprise. For the practising or aspiring geologist; seriously consider buying this book (or convince your manager to buy you one) because it is useful and practical, and will save you time and money. ~ Chris Mawer, The Australian Geologist (TAG), No107, June 1998, p 36-37.

“This book will be an invaluable reference to newly graduated geologists in the process of converting academic, theoretical knowledge to practical use in mineral exploration.” ~ Australian Mineral Foundation Informative Book Review Series No 3021, AMF Reviews 24 (10) October 1997.

“Marjoribanks has updated one of the handiest and most readable books ever written for the exploration community – exploration managers should be handing copies of it to all their new hires, and aspiring explorationists should be reading it before their first interview, let alone camp job….Overall, this handy volume clearly reflects the author’s extensive experience in exploration programs in highly metamorphosed, poorly exposed terranes….The book should be in every newly-minted explorationist’s kit, and the small format of the book should obviate any excuses to the contrary.” ~ Peter K M Megaw, Economic Geology vol 105 (2010), p 1352.

“In summary, this is a very useful book and it fills a particularly important place in today’s industry where many young geologists do not get the long term mentoring in stable company structures that used to be the hallmarks of our profession “back when I was a lad”. It should be on the shelf (or preferably the field kit) of all young geologists who aspire to be mine finders and will find some application as a text in practical field courses. Roger can be proud of his achievement.” ~ Leigh Bettenay, Australian Institute of Geologists (AIG) News No 103, Feb 2011, p 14.